Saturday, January 03, 2009

looking forward and back

At first glance, it seems kinda silly that people get so worked up over the change in the year. But I love it -- mainly for the symbolism. And having a new year's resolution (or 10) sort of infuses January with purpose, which is good for me because January generally makes me want to curl up in a blanket and sleep til March.

All in all, 2008 was a challenging year of growth for me. Here are my highlights (thanks for the idea, valerie!):

10. Walking to work over the Marin Headlands
9. Visiting Amanda in Phoenix
8. Buying a sweet road bike and challenging myself to a 20-mile commute
7. Making new friends at work
6. Seeing a whale and its baby playing in an inlet at Rodeo Beach!
5. Embracing the idea of Mark having a motorcycle :)
4. Moving to Fairfax, into an actual HOUSE
3. Backpacking to Young Lakes with my amazing husband
2. Deciding that other than writing, I find the most joy in teaching
1. Hiking to the top of Half Dome

And, in 2009, I hope to:

10. Do more yoga
9. Bike-commute to work
8. Become a seamstress
7. Climb more
6. Hike Mt. Whitney (maybe?)
5. Help my sister move back to the Bay Area!!!
4. Go on a real vacation!
3. Write more
2. Worry less
1. Hike often

Here's to another trip around the sun :)

1 comment:

Valerie Geary said...

I just signed up for Goodread... I didn't even know that site existed! Love it!! Something new to procrastinate with.... excellent. : )