Sunday, January 18, 2009

cycling is so fun, la di da

I love being on a bike!

Even when it jumps out and viciously attacks me ...

Yesterday Mark and I went on an epic 30-mile ride through West Marin with our dear friends Nick and Carrie. Nick and Carrie are decidedly hardcore cyclists, while Mark and I ebb and flow from casual to semi-hardcore, depending on the season and where we are living. We started out in the quaint town of Tomales, and rode out amid the small farms, passing fuzzy baby cows along the way. It was so beautiful and relaxing, with rolling hills just steep enough to get your heart pumping and legs burning but not so steep as to make you swear off cycling forever. And we only got harassed by an angry motorist once!

The definite highlight was when I tried to unclip from my pedals, lost my balance, and fell while riding uphill. DOH! And though the knee and arm I landed on escaped from the incident relatively unscathed, my other leg, which was unclipped already and was flailing to reach the ground, was caught by my razor-sharp pedal and sliced up the calf. Blood everywhere, but I had to finish the last few miles ... I guess yesterday I fell into the semi-hardcore category!

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