Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm back ... for now

This here's a pic of Mark and me that we're using for our wedding invites (October 6!) It's been nearly a year since I last posted, and I guess that it's because I've been busy? I spent the summer as an intern (re:slave) at Yoga Journal in the financial district, and have also been working part-time at a nonprofit in the Mission called Children's Council of San Francisco, where I do communications (newsletters, posters, etc.). And now, on the peak of graduation from my Master's program in Mass Communications at San Jose State University, I'm facing a career crisis ... where do I go from here?
I know that to some people my dilemma must sound silly. Here I am, living in one of the most fascinating places in the world, about to be married, about to receive a Master's degree, earning far above the minimum wage, and yet ... I feel so frustrated. I told myself when I entered SJSU that I wanted to be a writer. But I'm beginning to feel like the ways to make money at writing are pretty boring, and far away from the type of writing I enjoy. The constrictions and menial pay of newspaper journalism scares me, and the magazine world is run by vacant egotists. While there undoubtedly are intellectually stimulating magazines out there, they are few and far between, and every journalism grad with half a brain is just dying to work for them for free. So where does that leave me?
I'm beginning to think that I belong right where I am - in the nonprofit world. I enjoy being able to control (teehee, control freak :) many stages of the product, which is required at nonprofits, since they can't afford to hire many people. And although it's PR, at least it's not for profit, and I highly doubt that I'd ever have to lie to the press about embezzelment or wrongdoing (unless, of course, I worked at the Smithsonian ...).
And, in all that time I have outside of work, (haha), I can still write what I want. Even if no one wants to read it.