Thursday, February 26, 2009

where i am

There is something within me that I am constantly struggling against that makes it difficult for me to accept where I am at the current moment in time. My parents have told me that since birth I've been high energy, always working on something, running somewhere. This tendency can have its benefits, but in the last few years it has made it difficult to just ... be. I'll get a job, then after a few months be ready for something new. I can't help but think one, five, ten years down the road. I know all of the reasons, theories, meditative techniques to establish a state of moment-to-moment awareness, but for some reason I have a hard time putting it into practice.

Therefore, every day, I tell myself:

don't overthink
don't jump to conclusions
observe with non-attachment to the outcomes
don't think of where else you could be
appreciate those around you with new eyes
today, this moment, is all you have
be the mountain, unmoving

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