Friday, July 10, 2009


you are there
in that space beyond consciousness
on the cusp of life
and you do not know fear

so why do I
realizing with sudden urgency
the importance of now
the brevity of each passing day
recoil from the cliff's edge
my heart throbbing violently against its cage

what is this paralyzing ache
that seeps into my bones
when I stare into the worn and weary canvas of my grandfather's face
or when I am seized by the music of my youth
and I cannot breathe

you are there
in that space beyond consciousness
on the cusp of life
and you do not know fear

one day
many years from now
you will return to that space
just as we all circle back
to that from which we came

what choice do we have
but to journey home?


Valerie Geary said...

I love this! beautiful!

Erin Geary said...

thanks, val. wrote it this morning in a cafe. that's how it goes with me ... dry for months, then inspiration strikes.

Unknown said...

This is so beautiful! It made me cry. You are a good poet.

Rosa Kelly said...

Erin, I love your writing! I have been reading your blogs down here in Brazil and it makes me me feel like I am getting to know my cousin in an amazing new way.
Also, my host sister here is pregnant and your words (translated by me and my trusty dog-eared Portuguese dictionary) give her comfort and good spirits.
Peace and love, my beautiful prima